Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi have once again written the gold standard guide to investing in a key emerging area of technology. The combination of technological advances to extend human healthspan and the rapid ageing of populations worldwide will ensure that this sector becomes one of the hottest places to invest this coming decade.

David Sinclair
Ph.D., Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Jim Mellon, one of the classically brilliant entrepreneurs of our time, this turned his intellectual focus on one of the most intractable problems facing humanity. This is a must read book to understand the daunting difficulties which we will all face in the future. And not only is he describing the problems, he is working toward the solution. Jim Mellon is somebody that I read and talk with as much as I possibly can, and you should too!

John Mauldin
President, Mauldin Economics
Juvenescence is a clarion call for all the retooling of industry to meet the demands of the largest demographic trends of our time; namely, the age wave. Jim Mellon is a genius at distilling complex technology into a coherent business plan for this emerging industry. This masterpiece will provide investors with a valuable tool to navigate a course to profitability in the coming decades.

Michael D West
Co-Chief Executive Officer, BioTime Inc
This eminently readable and exciting book synthesises the views of the world’s experts on ageing and offers a provocative view that ageing is a disease that can be tamed. The 115 year average ceiling will be breached and Jim and Al offer cogent reasons why this will happen. The benefits to the world will be enormous as are the challenges. Cracking the Code discussed exciting investible prospects in biotechnology; Juvenescence does this same for ageing. A book for the scientist and the layman but most of all the open minded.

Declan Doogan
Former Senior VP and Head of Worldwide Development at Pfizer Inc.
The revolution in longevity biotechnology will eclipse the computer, Internet and mobile revolutions and will transform our society beyond recognition. Jim Mellon is a visionary investor known for his sense of timing and the ability to spot trends before everyone else. This book is another testament to this unique talent. Mr. Mellon managed to gather the thoughts and expectations of many scientists and entrepreneurs worldwide and crystalize these into a credible and captivating story. Investing in longevity is becoming more credible and there are many opportunities that will yield unprecedented financial returns as well and solve many global problems.

Alex Zhavoronkov
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Insilico Medicine, Inc.
Scientific advances have extended lives in the past century–and much longer lifetimes may be just ahead. In Juvenescence, Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi predict a fountain of opportunity for investors ready to capitalize on the promise of longevity for people everywhere.

Paul Irving